[7] [메모리 아키텍처] Rowhammer 에러를 보완하기 위한 효율적인 DRAM 주소 재 매핑, 2018.10~2019.09, 서울과학기술대학교 지원
[6] [메모리 아키텍처] SDM (Software-Defined Memory) Solution, 2018.07~2019.06, SK하이닉스 지원
[5] [메모리 아키텍처] Wear leveling (W/L)을 위한 Hot/Cold Detector algorithm 및 logic 개발, 2018.07~2019.06, SK하이닉스 지원
[4] [인공지능 반도체, 메모리 아키텍처] Deep Learning 알고리즘을 위한 Processing-in-Memory 아키텍처 연구 (Developing Processing-in-Memory architecture for deep learning algorithms), 2015.07~2018.08, 삼성전자 지원
[3] [자율주행 반도체] 다중센서 융복합 기반 실시간 모바일 교통정보시스템 개발, 2017.01~2018.08, 과학기술정보통신부 지원
[2] [영상처리 반도체] 군집-모방 재난구조 로봇 설계 및 자동귀환 알고리즘 연구, 2016.06~2016.11, 한국과학 창의재단 지원
[1] [영상처리 반도체] 고속 데이터 압축 IP 개발 (Development of high speed data compression IP), 2017.03~2017.12, SK하이닉스 지원
Real-time object detection (YOLOv2) on the FPGA platform
Object detection (YOLOv2) for autonomous driving on the FPGA platform
Instance segmentation (GaussianMask) on the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier platform
Instance segmentation (GaussianMask) for autonomous driving
Real-time object detection (tinyYOLOv3) on the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier platform
(CES2018 Demo) Real-time Retinex Hardware Demo
Autonomous Vehicle Video
Automatic Vehicle Detection
Optical flow, H.264 Hardware Demo Video
Seoul National University, Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing (CAPP) Lab, Prof. Hyuk-Jae Lee
Inha University, Digital System Design Lab, Prof. Chae Eun Rhee
Kyunghee University, System Design Lab, Prof. Ik Joon Chang
Hanyang University, Signal Processing and Machine Learning Research Group, Prof. Jun-Won Choi
Hanyang University, Embedded and Network Computing Lab, Prof. Yong Ho Song
Hongik University, Information System Lab, Prof. Albert No
Hanyang University, Computer Architecture and System SW Lab, Prof. Yongjun Park
Hanyang University, Embedded System on Chip Lab, Prof. Ki-Seok Chung
Chungbuk National University, Mixed Signal Integrated System Lab, Prof. HyungWon Kim
Seoul National University, Mobile Multimedia Systems Group, Prof. Dongsuk Jeon
Seoul National University, Computer Systems and Platforms Lab, Prof. Bernhard Egger
Seoul National University, Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design Lab, Prof. Suhwan Kim
Seoul National University, Integrated Circuits & Systems for Computing and Communication Lab, Prof. Woo-Seok Choi
Konkuk Univeristy, Mixed-Signal Electronics Lab, Prof. Jintae Kim
Sogang University, Semiconductor Device Research Lab, Prof. Sangwan Kim
Chungnam National University, Mixed-signal INTegrated Systems (MINTS) Group, Prof. Jun-Eun Park
Ewha Womans University, Digital System Architecture Lab, Prof. Ji-Hoon Kim
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Lab, Prof. Wonbo Shim
Hanyang University Erica Campus, High-Performance Integrated Circuits (HPIC) Design Lab, Prof. Min-Seong Choo
Gachon University, Nanoelectronic and Optical Devices Lab, Prof. Seongjae Cho
Dongguk University, System IC Design Lab, Prof. Soo Youn Kim
Chung-Ang University, Mixed-signal Integrated-circuits Design, Analysis, and Synthesis (MIDAS) Lab, Prof. Yong Shim
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)
Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH)
Korea Intelligent Automotive Parts Promotion Institute (KIAPI)